Beginning ABU Fishers
The major techniques used are often determined by the choice of rod/reel.
Combos and Balanced tackle are a good approach to follow for new fishermen.
Lines are frequently treated lightly and misunderstood. They need changing regularly.
Bait fishing;
very easy, live or dead bait, from shore, pier or boat
Spinning; simplest, most often from shore
Casting; more difficult, most often from shore
Fly; 1, 2, 3 possibly the most difficult, most often from shore
Jigging; easy and usually from a boat
almost a no brainer, set, forget, enjoy the boating! I do it too!
Cardinal Rules:
Drag Adjustment;
Do not overtighten the drag , especially as the spool depletes!
Fighting the Fish;
Use the rod to pump the fish , lift and wind as the rod is lowered!
Landing the fish;
Don't be in a hurry, most fish are lost near boat or shore
when fish are still fighting.
Conservation for the Future;
Handle your captured fish gently if you want to return it to the water to