ABU Pacific Rods
A recently acquired image (Tight Lines 1981) of Pacific rod Combos and 8000/9000/10 000 Ambassadeurs. Era early 80's I think??
Researching the ABU boat fishing topic , I discerned that ABU first produced a deep sea rod or as they called it a “Boat Rod”.
It was named ABU PACIFIC and advertized for sale in Nap och Nytt /Tight Lines catalog for the year 1966 p 82. It was a 6 ½ feet long rod with 4 guides and a tip runner , meant to be IGFA 30 lb class, matched with Ambassadeur 9000 and 22/39 lb line. It sported an extra long hickory handle with fore grip of foam rubber with red rubber end button. The rod was aimed at Type 4 sea fishing for skate, conger, shark, big cod etc. It weighed 16 oz.
It re-appeared in the Nap och Nytt /Tight Lines catalog in 1967 p 82 along with a another rod called the ABU Strong.
In 1968, only the ABU Pacific appeared , perhaps the ABU Strong was not as it name implied a “strong” seller?
During 1969 p 88 , the ABU FLADEN was added to the line-up, keeping the ever popular ABU PACIFIC company . Minor upgrades to the ABU PACIFIB were hard chromed double locking reel seat and line weight was upgraded to 50lb.
1970 p88 saw a plethora of heavy duty boat rods on offer from ABU. The standard PACIFIC was deleted from the inventory, and the PACIFIC ZOOM appeared along with the ABU Fladen. This was essentially the same rod but with a different handle and name.
Sea class fishing rods were identified in the 1971 catalog p 110, covering classes II,III and IV. Esssentially the same ABU FLADEN and renamed PACIFIC ZOOM 6 rods with the addition of the ABU PACIFIC 8 ZOOM. I t was lengthened to 6 ¾ feet. The blank was the new ZOOM tubular type, light yet strong and rated for 24 to 47 lb , fished in combination with the Ambassadeur 9000 and 10 000. It had extra AFTCO roller guide at the bottom and tip.
In 1972 Tight Lines p102, Sea class ZOOM rods advertized were, Fladen, Pacific 6 and Pacific 8.
We then saw no changes to the offering of SEA rods from ABU in the Tight Lines 1973 catalog p92
The only changes noted in 1974 Tight Lines p 78 seemed to be the conversion of measurements to metric and mentioning the runner were “underwhipped” or double bound as I understand.
1975 p saw a big advertizing push , with “Superb Pacific Boat Rod range is now 4 models strong and 3 of them are all new!” The M30 IGFA 30lb is a solid glass knockabout model. All 3 other model Pacific 20, Pacific 30 and Pacific 8 all have IGFA credentials and were built on ZOOM blanks. Pacific 8 now rated to 80lbs. Pacific 30 now sports a roller tip guide. Pacific 30 and 20 also have hard chromed gimble fitting under the rubber but caps.
It is very interesting to note also p37 that the Pacific 630, Pacific 640 and Pacific 650 were mentioned in the Balanced Tackle page but , I can see no references anywhere or images of these rods! Also of great interest is a similar subtle reference to the great IGFA 12/8500, 20 and 30 IGFA reels, also debuting for the first time!
1976 p88 sees the same line-up of the 4 Pacific rods already pictured last year as well as the new additions are shown as “The Magnificient 7” The Pacific 630 R (new again on balanced tackle page , no image) and the Pacific 640 and Pacific 650 are shown . This year sees the announcement of the big heavy duty ABU 30, 20, 12 IGFA line-up of boat reels to match these rods.
Tight Lines 1977 shows a depleted range of Pacific rods but a new model Pacific 30S with a most unusual grip (I now own this model). The rationale for the reel seat is that “ …helps stabilize the rod when at rest or in your hand, and goes a long way towards eliminating “rocking” when cranking hard with a multiplier. Speedily adjustable it takes large Ambassadeurs 7000, 9000C, 12, 20 or 30 “ Incidentally the IGFA concept gets a 2 page explanation immediately before the big ABU 12, 20 and 30 get their showing.
“The Terrific Pacifics – They’ll match anything you’re likely to encounter!” So 1978 Tight Lines p 68 tells us about the old line-up of M33, 6, 20/30 (now newly named) 640/650 (also newly combined in name) and the NEW Pacific 630 SC Pacific 650 SC which I understood were built in small numbers to order. It featured the 30S offset handle and was 7 ½ foot long and had 6 roller guides along its length . 50/80 lb line weight.
Incidentally this is the LAST YEAR Len Borgstom was at the helm of
ABU and writing the much appreciated frontice-piece of the ABU
Bengt Olofsson is now in charge
1979 p 76 sees only 5 Terrific Pacifics advertised as on offer this year. No obvious changes M30 , 20, 30, 8, 30S. I believe the full line-up is still available
1980 Tight Lines p68 shows all 7 rods again from 1978
1980/81 No changes , less advertizing space , only 4 Pacific mentioned .
1981 specific Tight Lines catalog p34 has many new models and naming conventions including Pirker M and Pirker R .
The new Pacific 420, Pacific 430, Pacific 450, Pacific 480 are IGFA specific class rods with the heaviest Pacific 480 featuring an alloy butt. Developed essentially for California based deep sea fishermen in USA.
More models , dubbed “Pacifics with Class” The very small 1982 Tight Lines p 60, shows the newly named models Pacific 612, Pacific 120, Pacific 30 with their detachable rubber butt caps revealing standard gimbal fittings, heavy duty double locking screwlock ferrule
A similarly small 1983 Tight Lines catalog p110 show no new additions merely model not pictured in last years catalog. Space seemed to be at a premium then and this year all 7 models have updated images.
Skinniest, most miserable looking 1984 ABU Tight Lines catalg even spares just one page p58 to show us 4 re-named Pacifics were have seen before Pacific 612 A, Pacific 1220 A, Pacific 030 A, Pacific 2050
The end of the good times I fear….Lack of concern for providing good information about new products like in past years!
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