Upon discussion with Len Borgstrom, he recollects some 50 year old memories...
The 1962 Tight Lines has a lot of
interesting pictures that I had almost forgotten. What is interesting is that
ABU in those days never spent a lot of money on professional models. Here are
some examples:
The front and back cover show our advertising manager and editor of Napp och Nytt, Dan Åslund.
Then of course a picture of my father with 3
salmon. The guy standing by the river with a salmon is
Then you have a picture of me standing by
Proof in pictures you have Peter Anderson
and on the same page a picture of Abe Schiller (cowboy hat). He was the PR
manager for Flamingo Hotel in
The guy holding a pike on page 40 is Karl-Erik Forsander – a guy working in our finance department.
The picture next to “Dependable equipment” is my wife Annika.
Finally the young man sitting on a rock on
the “Set” page is Dan Åslund’s son Torbjörn, who worked all his life at ABU.
When he died in cancer way to young he was Sales Manager for
Fond regards!
A very enjoyable catalog of the day and equally so today.
Next year ABU Tight Lines 1963, if it exists, looking for opinion/ information.