Abumatic REELS
Model name Abumatic 60
Maker/designer Karl Nurmse
Production dates 1957
Did you know? ....that Abu thought of selling the Abumatics under the name ABU Viking but unfortunately a Viking reel already existed at the time. So they renamed it to Abu-matic. However a first announcement of the company in 1957 to dealers announces the Abu Viking. Below as proof , you find a photograph of this Abumatic 60 in an announcement sourced from Rullfakta website. Thanks Marcel for pointing this out to me.
Regarding this Viking reel above left , my friend Len Borgstrom has these insights.
Viking reel was
made by ABU. There were exact copies made in
Copying....Highest form of compliment I guess!
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If you have any others not listed above, that are unneeded or doubles in your collection and are available for a reasonable fee, I would be very pleased to hear from you.